April 11, 2020
A Letter From Our CEO
It has been an unexpected start to 2020. Such challenging times have changed everybody’s lives around the world. Here at Monarc Global, we are continuing to run business as usual, with the exception of a few changes to adapt to the global crisis. A few weeks ago we moved swiftly to implement our contingency plan for our team to work from home. Our staff’s health and wellbeing is our priority, including what we as a company can do in our part to #flattenthecurve during this global pandemic. Such quick action and measures has allowed us to support our team and our clients during this unforeseen time. The past few months have seen our company spring into action to assist and contribute where and when we can for our fellow Australians. Our team has been working around the clock to build our technology, facilitate freight of medical essentials to Australia and organise repatriation flights for Australians stranded abroad to return safely home. Although it’s tough times for all, if anything it is during tough times when everyone should come together to help as much as they can. No-one should be afraid to ask for help, and most certainly no-one should hold back on giving it. Since covid-19, our plans and strategies have changed to fast, on the pulse and instant actions that are most effective for our company as the ever changing announcements are made by our country’s leaders. This is what we think is the true grit of a business, being able to adapt in times of crisis, rising to the occasion and being combative during a great unexpected global fall. Stay safe and stay home. Royce Crown |